Sunday 4 December 2011

Winter Wonderland

This weekend, we went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. We planned to go ice skating, but it was sold out for the day. We ended up walking around the festival and it was so fun! It was like a cross between Wurstfest, Renaissance Festival and the Rodeo with all things Christmas! It was decorated so cute and there was a lot to see and do. Sorry for the picture overload...

 Walking through Mayfair on our way to the park.
 Green Park
 Green Park
 Green Park

 Winter Wonderland!

 Dates wanted a picture of the English Carnie.

 There were plenty of pubs in Winter Wonderland!

 Cute little bus ride 

 This is just like my favorite rodeo ride! 

 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

 Carousel Bar-this was really cool! It was an old carousel they turned in to a bar. The bar was in the center and you just hopped on, ordered your drink and rode around.

 We ate some really good food!

 Inside one of the pubs
 Creepy Santa

 These were delicious

 This is a street in our neighborhood. We walked to Victoria Station to watch the Texas game after the Winter Wonderland.
 Victoria Station. Notice the guy in the cut off Georgia shirt. He was pretty hardcore.
We made friends with these two Americans while watching the game.
We found a really yummy Mexican food place on Friday night!!! It's called Wahaca and it's in Covent Garden. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are definitely making the most of it over there! So much fun.
