Tuesday 2 October 2012


This past weekend, Dates, John Paul, Kristin, Jeff and I went to Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest! Wow! What an experience. We had good beer, ate good food and made friends with some really nice German people. I've never really been to anything like it- I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance! Unfortunately, my camera died after the second day, but here are some pictures I did take:

There were a few 'stag parties' on our flight from London to Munich. One group were all dressed as flight attendants and took turns helping the real flight crew during the flight.
The flight crew
The first beer booth we went to 

Our first pint while waiting on the rest of the crew. 
Spaten Tent 
The main tents only serve liters of beer. 
The group. JP and Kristin in their authentic German gear.

Jeff sporting his Oktoberfest hat. 
The boys
Day #2!
We were able to find a table in this beer garden. We shared a table with a really fun group of Germans. There was a lot of 'prosting', toasting and singing going on! 
Delicious chicken
Potato Dumplings 
Kristin with one of our new friends.
He let me borrow his hat.
Australian friend
It started pouring, but it didn't slow us down. 
The end of my camera battery :(

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